A pen in the middle of disasters.
Bites you here, bites you there. When it bit you, for sure, you’ll shout and say “OUCH”. We all know that the thing we’re talking about in here is the ants. Indeed, we are absolutely talking about ants.
Ants, as we all know are very bad if it tries to bite you. You’ll be quite embarassed if you say ouch loudly because no one is even seeing the ant who bit you.
Yes, ants. It may be that painful, but we should all know that they are the ones we should try to follow. I don’t mean trying to immitate their way of biting, but, I am talking about their way of living. Always remember that they are very aware of te happenings in their surroundings. When a natural calamity is soon to strike, specifically,
typhoon, they are the ones who are always leading the way of being ready in case a typhoon strike surprisingly. They, who work as one is helping each other and get foods for them to eat during disasters. They are always ready. Perhaps, not the word ready, PREPARED.
The campus journalism trying to immitate.
Indeed, a
journalist, like me, always does whatever thing just to help and enlighten the mind of the other people of how important it is to be a ‘disaster-prepared’ person. We are doing our top thing to do, and that is to use a pen and paper to be our very own sword against the natural calamities and disasters. We are the ‘eye-opener’ of the other people who are not trying to save their lives.
Yes, we are the ones writing our articles about disasters, but, if you’re counting on us, then, we’re also counting on you. It is not just us who will work. Yes, we do everything. We write articles, do a research about disasters, and most especially, we write everything that is included in our topic, disasters.
There’s also a thing for you.
If we are the ones you listen to, then, you should also try to pay us. I don’t mean the literal pay, but, we just want you to do one thing, just one simple thing. It is to trust and to try ro follow our simple and single step.
I mentioned all the things a journalist does, and now, I will try to convince you to please follow our single step and have another footprint. A footprint that will always stay in our hearts and a footprint that will be the key for success,the key for being safe.
One step at a time is not an option. We should all do it hand in hand, with our hearts on it, and most especially, together. Being together feels like not being alone in the darkness and in the consequences of life. That is why it is called being together. And I’m very sure you know that!
We are now evolving.
I mentioned that the young journalists or the campus journalism are trying to fight back or trying to be prepared during
disasters. In other words, trying to immitate the ants. They are like us, too. I know that we can all be a big trouble if we do something bad, but, like them we can also be industrious and prepared.
For me, the journalists are almost ready. From the lazy ones, to the industrious and hardworking ones. It is you we are waiting for. It is you we are teaching. It is you we are changing. And it is us, you should follow. Let us now proclaim the thing we call ‘unity’!
And actually, that’s only the thing. That’s the only thing we should all do and we are doing!
Always remember that the campus journalism is always here to be ready and inform you about the disasters. And that is why there is always a pen in the middle of the disasters.